Top Left: Janice, Nihara, Mira, Sam, Jodee, Sean, Amanda, Tash, Nicole, Michelle, Justine
Middle Left: Karen, Lilly, Michelle, Lisa W, Elisa, Dee, Pratibha, Karen, Deb, Leah, Heather
Bottom Left: Margaret , Rose, Allison, Lisa K, Ethan, Belinda, Pauline, Gee, Iman, Filomena
Therapy Dog: Jumbo
Absent: Francie, Melanie, Tasia, Wendy
Say hello to the amazing education support team at WPPS. Our ES play a vital role in supporting teachers and students in the classroom. Our compassionate and caring staff provide valuable assistance, whether it’s providing one-on-one support, aiding support with learning strategies, scaffolding, modelling, using worked examples or running lunchtime clubs.
The ES staff strive to facilitate students learning and growth both individually and/or as a group of students. The ES staff ensure all students feel welcomed, supported, and included in their learning journey.
Our ES are an asset to the education system and work above and beyond helping to ensure that every student at Willmott Park Primary School has the opportunity to succeed and achieve their goals to the best of their abilities